Chinese New Year is coming so soon, have you started tidying your room yet? Found a lot of stuffs which you don’t really need but feel like a waste if you just throw them away? It’s always a big headache!

Having quite a similar concept as Goedzak, indeed we have numerous citizens driven second hands platforms are operating in Hong Kong.

Started in October 2011, Jupyeah is one of these platform. They created a n online platform where people can submit their unwanted stuff or voice out if they want any things posted on their platform. Jupyeah also organises seasonal pop-up swap parties where JUPPERS share unwanted stuff with others and find values from others’ old stuff.

There are many others 2nd hand platform like oh yes IT’s FREE!!!, Adopt MeTheatre Leftover, read-cycling etc. can be found in Hong Kong.

It is still a long way to go before the SWAP culture goes mainstream, but in our vision we see the entire city joining us to enjoy this friendly sharing experience in which you effortlessly helps make our little Hong Kong a better place, its people a better clan. Clear your room or fill it with “new” goods. Let’s SHARE!

Other 2nd hand channels:
Hong Kong Second-Hand Exchange – by Environmental Protection Department

Community Recycling Coop – by Industrial Relations Insitute

Recycling Organisations and Collection Points Search Engine – by Environmental Protection Department去&textonly=0

Salvation Army Recycling Programme

Photo: Jupyeah