Organization: Service Civil International (SCI)

SCI was founded by Pierre Cérésole, a Swiss engineer who established a peace and humanitarian movement in the aftermath of World War I and laid down the foundations of SCI in 1920.
SCI’s vision is a world of peace; social justice and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflict. SCI’s mission is to promote a culture of peace by organising international volunteering projects with local and global impact.
Nowadays SCI consists of 45 members (branches) and an ever bigger and growing number of partner organisations in all continents. Short and long term voluntary projects take place worldwide and application processes have been modernised.

Year of Establishment:
Leading Campaigns: International voluntary projects, Non-formal education (trainings and seminars)
Service: Organising International Volunteering Projects
Region: Worldwide
Source: Service Civil International