Organisation: Design Trust  by Hong Kong Ambassadors of Design


As a grant funding platform as well as a registered charity in Hong Kong since 2007, Design Trust aims to support creative projects that develop expertise, build research initiatives and content related to Hong Kong and the Greater Pearl River Delta Region. Working across a multiplicity of design disciplines from graphics, media, architecture to the built environment, Design Trust aims to actively accelerate creative research, design and development of meaningful projects that advocate for the positive role of design.

Design Trust 2018 October Grant Application is now open for application until 20 October 2018. Design Trust offers grants to individual designers, curators, collectives and non-profit organisations for projects and activities that are relevant to the context and content of Hong Kong and the Greater Pearl River Delta region. We support innovative, thought-provoking investigations in various design disciplines from graphics, media, wearables, architecture to the built environment. 

Design Trust Grant Recipient Michelle Poon: "The Field Guide to Hacking"

Hackerspaces have presented far-reaching potential for greater exchange of information and collaboration across the political, the artistic, the speculative and the scientific spheres. With the rise of hackerspaces and makerspaces on the horizon, it is exciting to see how fostering further dialogue will redefine the roles of hackers within the future of the tech community. Our last Design Dialogue series featured the book launch of Design Trust Grant Recipient Michelle Poon’s “The Field Guide to Hacking.” Joined by fellow Design Trust Grant Recipient An Xiao Mina, along with other panelists, the discussion focused on “Perspectives on Open-Source and Peer Production.” During the event, panelists shed light on the characteristics of hackerspaces, community peer production, Open Source, and its correlations with the shanzhai model.-黑客空間展示了在政治、藝術、投機和科學領域協作和資訊交流的深遠潛力。隨著黑客空間和創客空間的崛起,看到促進進一步的對話如何將重新定義黑客在科技界未來的角色令人興奮。我們上一個設計對談同時是信言設計大使資助計劃得獎者Michelle Poon的新書發報會《The Field Guide to Hacking》。參與討論的還有信言設計大使資助計劃得獎者An Xiao Mina,以及其他討論嘉賓。在活動期間,討論嘉賓闡明了黑客空間、社區同行生產、開源(Open Source)的特點及其與山寨模式的相關性。-Design Trust Marisa Yiu #MichellePoon An Xiao Mina #SarahWatson #WilliamLiang Studio 9 #designtrust #designtrusthk #designtrustgrants #designresearch #fieldguidetohacking #booklaunch #designdialogue #hackerspace #design #hacking #hackerlife #opensource #peerproduction #CBPP #shanzhai #makerspace

Posted by Design Trust on Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Website: Click Here 

Application: Click Here

Application Deadline: Oct 20, 2018

Source of information: DESIGN TRUST