Have you ever felt our society is but growing colder and people are nonchalant to each other? Have you ever had a bad day and all you want is some comfort and encouragement? An Australian man known as “Juan Mann” decided people should take a small step to brighten up other people’s lives by offering free hugs on the street. He believed that even we could only reach out our arms to just one person, this world could be a better place to live in.

Free Hugs Campaign is a series of social movement encouraging the behavior of hugging strangers in public areas – as a random act of kindness – to make them feel better. It was first started in 2004 by Juan Mann and was then carried on and soon expanded as International Free Hugs Month, which is celebrated on the first Saturday of July and continues until August 1st.

Now many countries have joined the movement. In Asia alone, places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai and Singapore also have their own celebrations on the International Free Hugs Day inspired by the campaign. Scientists have found that human contacts can reduce individual level of stress, so next time when you are in a depressed mood and you see someone holding a cardboard or hanging a sign on their neck with the words “Free Hugs” on it, go to them for hugs!


Website: Official Home of the Free Hugs Campaign

Photo credit: HUG DAY HONG KONG 2015

This article is written by Yoyo Lai.