Organization: NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange)

Details: Even though 70% of Japan’s land is forested, the forests are not properly maintained, as there is a lack of investment in the health and ecology of these ecosystems, since imported wood is much cheaper. Over 90% of our forests are not virgin forests and cannot be left as “nature”, so it is important to provide continuing care for our forests. We will try to revive our forests and create a balanced ecology. We will work in two different forests. One is the ‘NICE Forest’, where we often have weekend workcamps. We will cut and clear trees to make trails, cut grasses, bamboos, and make steps for a footpath in an abandoned rice field.

Background: Organized together with local NPOs, ‘Association to protect nature in Tondabayashi’ and ‘Hamuro club’.

Duration: 14/07-15/07/2012; 11/08-12/08/2012; 08/09-09/09/2012; 13/10-14/10/2012; 10/11-11/11/2012; 08/12-09/12/2012

Website: Click Here

Nature: Workcamp

Region: Asia/International

Source of Information: Website of NICE