Tag: Experience.Asia

LOHAS expo 2013

LOHAS advocates continuous quest of creating sustainable happy lifestyles for urban population while striving to maintain an eco-friendly environment. The “LOHAS Expo 2013” will be held in Hong Kong from February 1 to February 3, 2013, Click here for details…

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George Clooney: Endgame in Sudan

As the people of Southern Sudan held a vote for independence, millions of civilians were in the potential path of war. George Clooney and the Enough Project spent time in Sudan along the border between the north and south and saw what a return to war could look like.

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Shameless Idealists: Al Gore

As the 45th Vice President of United States, Al Gore was responsible to his President, to his Nation, and to his people. But today, 10 years out of office, he answers to an even larger body. That is because climate change is not a national issue, but the global one, and Al Gore is spreading that inconvenient truth around the world. In the video, Al Gore speaks with the emcee about his quest to change the way we view the world.

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