You like garlic? Garlic is definitely one of the easiest things to grow in your garden and even kids can do it!


1: Plant single cloves of garlic in the fall (October is perfect). Take a whole clove, break apart the single cloves and stick them in the ground in rows or any pattern you want, really.

2: In the spring, the garlic will start to grow nice and big all by itself, and then the “scape” will appear, which looks like a giant curled blossom. Cut them back in late spring (so more energy goes to the bulb than the bloom). You can use the scapes for cooking.

3: When the stems start to brown and tilt in early to mid summer, harvest the garlic by pulling it from the ground.

4: Rinse the bulb and cut the roots.

5: Hang the garlic in a cool, dark and DRY place until ready to use. A garage is perfect.

Your garlic will be ready just in time. And if you store it well in a cool, dark and dry place, you can use the garlic all winter long.

Source: Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen