Village Bakery

Village Bakery

Everyone has the right to choose his/ her own way of living, but how many of us are able to leave our comfort zone for really living in the way you want and doing what you really love to do?

Village Bakery founder Kit Lau loves baking a lot since she was a kid. After graduated, she got a job and worked in office, meanwhile, she has established her personal bakery website, there she shared her baking tips as well as receiving tailor-made cakes orders from the public. Later, through referral, Kit got a chance to work asa baker in a restaurant in Mui Wo. She resigned from her office job, left her family, moved to Mui Wo, and started her baking life officially.

Now, Kit has left that restaurant and set up her own bakery shop in Mui Wo.

Apart from making breads, Kit will also make the jams with the freshest ingredients she can find in the market. To support green living, Kit also encourages her customers to bring their own containers for the jams.

Address:Shop 2, G/F, Lucky Court, 16 Mui Wo Ferry Pier Road, 00852 Hong Kong
Phone:2980 3344

Source: Village Bakery facebook唔幫襯地產商的聖誕 facebook
Image: Village Bakery facebook 

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.

Village Bakery

Village Bakery

每個人也有權選擇自己的生活模式,但為了過自己喜愛的生活、做自己喜愛的事,你有勇氣離開comfort zone(舒適區),到一個全新的地方發展嗎?

Village Bakery的年輕老闆娘Kit Lau在畢業後,也跟一般畢業生差不多,找到了一份寫字樓工作。不過,由於Kit從小喜愛做蛋糕和麵包,所以一邊工作,一邊經營個人的蛋糕網站,與人分享製作甜品的心得,同時提供訂製蛋糕服務。不久,經朋友介紹,Kit得到了一個在梅窩西餐廳內做麵包師的機會,便毅然辭掉寫字樓的工作,離開家人,從市區搬進梅窩,正式開始以製作麵包和甜品作為正職。




電話:2980 3344

資料來源: Village Bakery facebook唔幫襯地產商的聖誕 facebook
圖片: Village Bakery facebook 

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.