– hamburger –

Some foods look delicious, but not when you know what’s in some of them. Photographer Peter Augustus serves a plate of truth right in front of you.

In his photo series, Augustus photographs popular dishes in Western culture alongside the real “mystery meat” — the raw animal part — they come from. Those “all white meat” nuggets don’t seem as tasty when there are chicken feet beside them.

The photos are “not meant to be repulsive –- just to raise awareness,” Augustus said. The white background is meant to “evoke an American diner or cafeteria,” to remind you of the foods many of us consume on a regular basis.

Check out more of Augustus’ work on his website.

 – becon, lettuce, tomato sandwich – 

 – chicken nuggets – 

 – hotdog – 

Image: http://www.peteraugustus.com