An electric air-conditioning system inside a large building can be noisy, pricey and take up a large amount of space—So how about a “non-electric” one?

Ben Bronsema developed the concept of “Earth, Wind & Fire” system, which is a cooling system without electric fans. The system does not only provides an endless loop of cooled running air but also additional heat when needed. Bronsema has developed this idea for five years. An Amsterdam developer, the Dutch Green Company, plans to use Bronsema’s concept in building a new hotel called Breeze in the city in 2017. Breeze could become the “first (nearly) zero-energy hotel” if the construction project succeeds.

The below video shows how the system works:

BREEZE – First Zero Energy Hotel Amsterdam from Chaouat & Vrielink on Vimeo.

The budget for the whole building costs about $15 million, but the estimated price per night for the 158 rooms  will be about 125 euros ($137) only.

Guess only the future guests of Breeze will have a say in whether this “AC Building” is a success.

Source & Photo: Fastcoexist